The yeti is large and hairy and walks on two feet. Some people claim they have seen a yeti in the Himalayan Mountains in Asia.
It has a fearsome reputation.
Consider a scene from the American cartoon show, Scooby Doo:
-Apparently every restaurant that's ever opened here closed down immediately -- under suspicious circumstances.
-Let me guess: Yeti-related circumstances?
-You got it.
New genetic research suggests that this huge beast may, in fact, exist in the Himalayas.
But it's probably just a bear.
A team of scientists said this week that they had studied the DNA of nine samples from museums and private collections. All of the samples were said to have come from the yeti.
They found that eight of the nine samples came from bears – Asian black bears, Himalayan brown bears and Tibetan brown bears, to be exact. The one remaining sample came from a dog, the researchers found.
Charlotte Lindqvist studies bear genetics at the State University of New York at Buffalo. She is one of the writers of the yeti report published recently in the scientific journal "Proceedings of the Royal Society B." She said the report's findings "strongly suggest" that the legend of the yeti is connected closely to bears that live in the mountainous area.
夏洛特·林德奎斯特(Charlotte Lindqvist)在纽约州立大学布法罗分校研究熊类基因学。她是最近发表在科学期刊《英国皇家学会学报B版:生物科学》上的雪人报告的作者之一。她说,该报告的研究结果“充分表明”雪人的传说和栖息在山区的熊密切相关。
Lindqvist called the study the most detailed research to date of so-called yeti specimens.
While the recent study did not identify a yeti, it did give scientists information about the area's bear populations.
The brown bears living high in the Tibetan Plateau and the western Himalayan Mountains appear to belong to two separate bear populations, researchers found. Despite living fairly close to each other, those two populations have been separated for thousands of years, Lindqvist said.
I'm John Russell.