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- Trump Informs Mideast Leaders of US Embassy Move to Jerusalem (17-12-6)
- Yemen’s Ex-President Saleh Killed (17-12-5)
- Still No Winner in Honduras Election (17-12-5)
- Technology Leaders from Cambodia Leave US with Ideas (17-12-5)
- US Navy Seeks Smaller, More Powerful Ships (17-12-4)
- Pollution, Overfishing Threaten Important Cambodian Lake (17-12-3)
- Study: Parasite May Be Killing US Soldiers Who Fought in Vietnam (17-12-3)
- Trump's Former Adviser Pleads Guilty to Lying to FBI (17-12-2)
- Air Pollution Affecting Homeless in India’s Capital (17-12-2)
- Should the US Help Fight Terrorism in Africa’s Sahel? (17-12-1)
- Albino Student Receives Top Honors in Kenya's National Exam (17-12-1)
- Turkey, Iran Sign Trade Deal with Qatar (17-11-30)
- Young Students Plant, Harvest, Learn about Farm Life (17-11-30)
- Television Star Leads Honduras Presidential Vote (17-11-29)
- Bangladesh to House Rohingya in Flood-Prone Island (17-11-29)
- UN: Yemen Is 'Worst Place on Earth to Be a Child' (17-11-28)
- Pope Meets Myanmar’s Military Chief (17-11-28)
- Afghanistan's Local Police Provide Security, But Also Create Problems (17-11-27)
- Popular American Hobby Bird Feeding Connects People to Nature (17-11-27)
- Zimbabwe’s New President Promises Reform, Urges Forgiveness (17-11-25)
- Militants Kill More Than 230 in Sinai Mosque Attack (17-11-25)
- US to End Protected Status For Haitians (17-11-24)
- Stopping Debt Payments Could Worsen Venezuela's Crisis (17-11-24)
- Former US Gymnastics Doctor Admits Guilt in Sex Abuse Case (17-11-23)
- Former Bosnian Serb Commander Found Guilty of Genocide, War Crimes (17-11-23)
- The Problem with Long-Term Leaders (17-11-23)
- US Renews State Terror Declaration for North Korea (17-11-22)
- Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe Resigns (17-11-22)
- More Powerful Men in Media Accused of Sexual Abuse (17-11-22)
- Charles Manson, Leader of Murderous Cult, Dies (17-11-21)
- Too Much Tourism? (17-11-20)
- US Service Industry Workers Training to Stop Sexual Harassment (17-11-19)
- Mugabe Makes First Appearance Since House Arrest (17-11-18)
- Vietnam's Tech Company Says Free Trade Will Help Expansion (17-11-18)
- Small Montana City Elects Former Refugee as Mayor (17-11-17)
- Indian Hindus Attacking Muslims, Stealing Their Cows (17-11-17)
- Japan Seeks to Expand Influence in Southeast Asia (17-11-16)
- Zimbabwe’s President ‘Confined to Home’ after 37-Year Rule (17-11-16)
- Sexual Assault Charges against Islamic Expert Shock Europe’s Muslims (17-11-16)
- FBI Says Hate Crimes Rose Again in 2016 (17-11-15)
- Deadly Earthquake Strikes Iran and Iraq (17-11-14)
- Burundi Refugees Fear Returning (17-11-14)
- In Lebanon, Musician Helps Voices of Children Rise Above Poverty (17-11-13)
- India’s Currency Ban Under Fire One Year Later (17-11-12)
- Turkey's Africa Presence (17-11-12)
- Actor Kevin Spacey Removed from New Movie (17-11-10)
- Indonesian Village Uses Owls to Protect Crops (17-11-10)
- More Americans Setting Records for Physical Endurance (17-11-9)
- Mexico City Now Sends Earthquake Warnings to Phones (17-11-8)
- How Catalonia’s Independence Efforts Raise Tensions in Belgium (17-11-8)
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